- SKU doesn't match any ASINs
- SKU is associated to more than 1 GCID
- Missing attribute product_type
- The SKU data provided is different from what's already in the Amazon catalog
- The following attributes are missing for SKU
- How to Activate GTIN exemption
- You cannot change the 'item_classification' for SKU
- A value is required for the field
- Invalid Input Data for product feed. Valid Product Identification was not provided
- Issues with connecting Amazon account
- Feed rejected Error Code: InvalidMarketplace. Error Type: Sender
- You are attempting to change an identity attribute for this SKU
- Inventory-based listing management is not currently supported by this tool
- Error: Marketplace Oh dear, you cannot sell this item on Etsy.
- eBay Business Policies
- Delete eBay Account
- Access denied Error Code: AccessDenied. Error Type: Sender
- Duplicate updates were suppressed
- Review your selling price and maximum price