Export Products to Amazon with Selling List
Before exporting Shopify products to Amazon, make sure Shopify products have SKUs and UPC/EAN codes (barcodes).
- To sell products on Amazon, the products need to have barcodes (UPC/EAN codes) or GTIN exemption for the Brand/Category combination.
- Salestio uses SKU (Stock keeping unit) to make a connection between the products from your Shopify store and your Amazon account.
SKU should be unique just in terms of your Shopify store and your Amazon account. There is no need to create an SKU that is unique in terms of all Amazon marketplaces and sellers. Each product should have a unique SKU just for your store.
An SKU can be anything clear for you, for example, awesome-product, product-1. The main thing is that they should be the same on Shopify and Amazon.
To export Shopify products to Amazon, you should create a Selling List. Go to the Selling Lists tab from the navigation bar in Salestio.
Please refer to this article on How to Create a New Selling List.
After Shopify products are added to the Selling List, you will see a screen like this. Please note, that if products are missing SKUs, they will be skipped adding to the Selling List, or their status will be displayed as empty.
Then select a product or products you want to export to Amazon, and hit the 'Send to Amazon' button.
Items' statuses will change to 'Pending Linking'. Give Salestio about 10 to 15 mins, and check if the operation was completed successfully.
If the status says 'Linked', then a product has been successfully linked to the Amazon listing. It will allow automatic Price and QTY updates.
If the status says 'Linking Error', you should click the Logs link at the end of the item row in the Selling List.
It will show the exact reason why this error appeared. After the issue from the log message is resolved, simply repeat the process by selecting the Product and sending it to Amazon again.