Connect Shopify products to existing listings on eBay

This article highlights the main points on how to connect Shopify products to existing listings on eBay.

If you need more details on each step, check the linked documentation or follow the guide from the Salestio Blog on how to connect Shopify products to existing listings on eBay.

Note! To connect Shopify products to existing listings on eBay, product SKUs, and variation structures should match on Shopify and eBay.

  • 1. Add an eBay account to Salestio.
  • 2. Go to Salestio > Inventory and click the "Download Inventories" button.
  • 3. Click the "Sync inventories with Selling Products" button.

    It will automatically create a Selling List with the products with matching SKUs.

  • 4. If you want to connect only some of the listings, create the Selling List in the Product mode.

    Go to Salestio > Inventory, locate eBay listings, and click the "Move to Selling List" button to connect individual products through Salestio.

  • 5. Run the initial Price and QTY synchronization. To do so, go to Salestio > Selling Lists, select the Selling List, and run the Revise Quick action.

    Note! If you want to update only prices or quantities, run the Revise Price or Revise QTY instead of Revise Quick.

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