Configure an Amazon Creation Profile for BigCommerce products
Creation Profiles provide a way to create and extend Amazon listing information with extra details and place the product into the correct category on the marketplace. All of the specific product details are defined here.
To create a new Amazon Listing, it's important to have a product Barcode (UPC/EAN) or have a GTIN exemption active in your account. You can find more details of the GTIN exception in this article — How to Activate GTIN exemption
Go to Salestio > Profiles > Creation profiles to add a new Creation profile. Click the "Add Creation profile" button.
The Creation profile consists of 2 parts. The first one relates to the settings for all mappings inside the Creation profile.
The second part is the mappings connecting BigCommerce products with Amazon categories. A mapping in the Creation Profile is a rule that sets the correspondence between the selected BigCommerce categories from one side and the Amazon category with the required data from the other side. We will go into more detail about the mappings later in the article.
Start by giving a name to the creation profile. The name will help you to identify this Creation profile between other profiles that you might want to add at a later point.
The Creation profile is added for one marketplace. Select the marketplace where you want to create new Amazon listings. In the next steps, you will need to select the Amazon category. The category depends on the marketplace. If you are listing on multiple marketplaces, please note that the category structure might be a bit different on different marketplaces.
The Listing title and Listing description are set to the default values to send the exact information from the BigCommerce product pages to Amazon.
The Listing Brand name by default is set to use the Brand information from the BigCommerce product page.
The number of images can be set through the slider. The images are passed to Amazon in the same order that they are shown on the BigCommerce product page.
Add a category mapping
Each mapping sets a rule matching a BigCommerce category with an Amazon category and a set of product specifics. Multiple mappings can be added for any Creation Profile.
The Mapping condition defines which BigCommerce products are to be included in this mapping line. Below is an example condition for listing T-Shirts:
The “all conditions”/”any condition” selector can be used to further customize the product matching. For example, if two conditions are used (category: Pants and category: Summer), the selector will change how the mapping is applied:
- With “all conditions” selected, the mapping will apply to products that are in both categories (Pants AND Summer).
- With “any condition” selected, the mapping will apply to products in either category (Pants OR Summer). This condition will also apply when the item is in both categories.
Next, select the Category and Product Type for the products.
After the Amazon Product Type is selected, you will be presented with a list of the available fields to add data. These are the all fields that are available on Amazon when creating a new listing. Some of them are required, others are optional. The required fields depend on the selected Amazon Category and Product Type.
Please find more details on the required fields for the most common Amazon product types here.
Amazon requires at least one Bullet point (or Key Feature) for each listing, and you can add up to 5 of them.
Configure variations
If the products include variations, enable it in the mapping and select the corresponding variation theme:
Find the corresponding product specific and select the BigCommerce option in this field. If the products have variations in multiple themes, include the BigCommerce options in each field:
Fill out the rest of the fields according to the products, and click “Add mapping” at the bottom of the page. Add multiple mappings if needed. After the mappings are added, they should appear in the “Mappings” section on the same page. Click “Create profile” to finish configuring the Creation Profile.
To make use of the new Creation Profile, you need to enable it in the Amazon Profile. Set marketplace mode to Single, select the marketplace, enable product creation, and pick the Creation Profile:
Create a Selling List and publish
Create a new Selling List using the Amazon profile from the earlier step or assign this profile to an existing Selling List. Add products to the Selling List, select them, and run the "Send to Amazon" action. Wait for ~15 minutes, and the status should change to “Linked”:
Still, you might see some items go to an “Error” status. If that is the case, click on “Logs” to see what is missing. You can go back to the Creation Profile and add the missing fields at any time.
View Drafts in Seller Central
If the products are Linked in the Selling List but for some reason aren't shown in your Seller Central inventory, please check them in the Drafts. The seller might be missing Amazon's permission to sell the products, or some other product information is required.
To access the Complete Your Drafts dashboard, select Complete Your Drafts from the Catalog drop-down menu. Or, go to the List Your Products page and click View my drafts under Complete your listings.