Listing Creation data in the Selling List [eBay]

When you list a new item on eBay, you should select the eBay category where this item will be placed. Depending on the Category, you can add the Item Specifics. Some of them are required and other are optional. 

If you would like to add the attributes in bulk, you can do so by adding mappings to the Creation Profile

There might be cases when you would want to add more specific data for every product, or adding the mapping for a specific product is just more convenient to you. In such cases, you can use the Listing creation data dialogue for the specific products right from the Selling List. 

Adding the Listing creation data in the Selling List might be also useful if you add more general fields to mapping in the Creation profile, and then, add/update more specific data in the Selling List. This way, the listing will look exactly as you expect. 

To add listing details to publish products on eBay, go to Selling Lists and open the added Selling List. 

There, you can locate the needed product that you would like to add or overwrite the listing creation data. Click the Listing creation data link located below the product title.

If you added the Creation profile and the mapping with the matching conditions, the dialogue will show eBay category and Item specifics that will be assigned from this mapping. You can modify only some fields or you can completely remove the assigned eBay category and item specifics values by clicking the Clean data button at the bottom of the Listing creation data dialogue.

If there are no mappings assigned, you will see an empty dialalogue with the prompt to select the eBay category. The eBay categories are displayed according to the marketplace assigned to the Selling List. 

After the categories and subcategories are selected, you will be presented with the list of Item Specifics for this category. 

Make sure to add the required fields highlighed in red. Other fields are optional but it is good to add them since it will give more information about the products. 

Click the Save button after the needed edits are done. 

On the next step, you can send the product to eBay. Select the product in the Selling List and click the Send to eBay button. 

If the product have already been listed on eBay and appears in the Active status in the Selling List, you should run the Revise action to updated categories or added fields. 

If you face any difficulties with sending products to eBay, contact us at

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