Create Selling List [Etsy]

To create a new Selling List in Salestio navigate to the Selling Lists tab and click the 'Add Selling List' button.

In the new window, you will see the form that allows you to configure the settings of the new Selling List. The following configuration fields are available.

  • Name of selling list — the name of the Selling List, and how it will be represented across the application. A good practice is to use the name of the selected collection, the marketplace, or some specific setting. The main thing is that the name is descriptive enough for you to recognize what's inside.
  • Etsy Account — Etsy account connected to the Selling List. 
  • Mode — mode is used in the Selling List. Based on the mode Selling List uses different behavior to add products. Available modes:
    • Product mode —  you can select multiple products from the Shopify store and include them in the Selling List. These products will stay on the list until you do not remove them.
    • Collections mode — you can select multiple Shopify collections that will be connected to the Selling List. All products from these collections will be added to the Selling List. In this mode, Salestio automatically adds and removes Shopify products in/from Selling List.

      If 'Automatically export new products to Etsy' is checked, the application will export these products to the Etsy marketplace.   

  • Selling Categories (Collections) — are shown if the selected mode is "Collections". To add Collections, click the 'Select collections' button. It will show you the list of available collections from your Shopify store. Added Collections are displayed with checkboxes. It allows you to add and remove the collection after they were selected in the Selling List.
  • Language — allows setting the language of how the listing will be displayed on Etsy. Please note that if you select a language different from the main language in your Shopify store, make sure that the translations for the selected language are added to Shopify product pages.

  • Selling profiles — a set of rules used to export Shopify Products to Etsy, define price and qty settings, etc. The Etsy Shipping Profile is displayed only after the Etsy account is added. 
    • Global Selling Profile — settings related to QTY, Price, and other general parts of listings. It's possible to edit the setting or add a new group. The 'Default' Global Profile is automatically created.
    • Etsy Shipping Profile — settings related to shipping from your Etsy account. The Shipping profile should be added on Etsy first, then, it will be possible to select it in the Selling list.
  • Allow product creation — this option should be selected if you want to create new listings on Etsy. 
    • Creation Profile — settings related to product creation. It should be assigned with the added mappings for the products you want to add to this Selling List.

Products and Collections selection in various modes

Based on the selected Selling List mode, the way to add products and select collections vary.

In a Collections mode, the list of assigned collections can be changed only by editing the Selling List settings. After you create a Selling List with a Collection mode, Salestio might need some time to show you the list of all products in the Selling List. It depends on how many items you have in the selected Collection. Right after the Selling List is created, you will see a screen like this. Just give Salestio a couple of minutes and Selling Products will appear on this page.

In a Product mode, products can be added and removed by the management of the Selling List products page.

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