Stock Synchronization

When you export an item to the marketplace (Amazon, eBay, or Etsy), each platform expects you to provide the stock for this product. Salestio supports stock synchronization when a Shopify product is linked to the marketplace listing. When a Shopify product is in the Linked status in the Selling List, the stock is synced automatically. If a Shopify product is out of stock, the corresponding listing will be inactive in your marketplace seller account.

After the initial connection between the products on Shopify and marketplace is established, it is possible to disable future stock updates for a particular platform. To do this, please follow the next steps:

  1. Navigate to the Settings page is Salestio. 
  2. Select the needed Amazon/eBay/Etsy account.
  3. Uncheck 'Update Item QTY when it has changed in Shopify'.
  4. Hit the 'Save Changes' button.

To update the stock on your connected listings, Salestio uses the stock data from the Available Quantity field on the Shopify product page. There might be nothing added to that field in Shopify. In this case, Salestio transfers the value as NULL to the marketplace. It might result in the deactivation of the listing.

For cases like this, and a couple of others, Salestio allows you to customize stock synchronization with the help of Global Profile. Please refer to the following support article to read more about the Global Profile in Salestio.

This article explains how you can set and make use of Item Qty Mode in Global Profile. The Item Qty Mode settings are described below.

  • Product value exports to the marketplace the exact value taken from the 'Available Quantity' field on the Shopify product page.
  • Single stock exports the product quantity set to 1. After updating your listings with this value, Salestio will not do any automatic synchronization with the stock on the Shopify product page. If the stock on the Shopify product page changes, the stock of the marketplace listing will still be set to 1.  

  • Custom quantity allows you to set any stock for the listings. This feature might be useful if you do not use stock data on your Shopify product page. Salestio will send customized stock value to the marketplace. Please note that Salestio will not be able to do any automatic stock updates after that. In this case, stock on Amazon, eBay, or Etsy will be updated only if the item was sold.  Important! Please use this feature with caution as it can result in the marketplace sale of the item that is actually out of stock.

  • Not more than qty value allows you to restrict the stock that will be shown on the listing. It might be useful, for example, if you sell your Shopify products across multiple channels and want to specify how many items can be sold directly on marketplaces. It works exactly as the label says. If the stock in Shopify is 20, and the 'Not more than' value is 10, only 10 items will be shown in stock on the marketplace. If the stock in Shopify 5, and the 'Not more than' value is still 10, the stock of all 5 items will be shown on the listing.

By default, Salestio uses total Shopify stock. If you want to select a specific warehouse, enable "Use Warehouse" and select the desired location in the Global Profile settings.

To apply the Global Profile settings to the Selling products, you should add those products to the Selling List that uses the needed Global Profile settings. If you want to apply different stock configurations to the various groups of products, you should create a separate Selling List with the desired Global Profile.

For example, if you want to set the stock for yoga pants to 10, and aroma candles to 'Not more than 3', you should create two Selling Lists. One will use the Global Profile with the Custom qty mode set to 10, and the second will use the Global Profile with the 'Not more than' qty mode set to 3.

Important! There might be a case when the Shopify products have already been linked to marketplace items with the Default Global Profile, and you want to set custom stock for these products. In this case, you will need to run the QTY update manually.

You should follow the next steps to update the Selling List with a new Global Profile and run a QTY update.

  1. Go to the Selling List you want to modify, and click the 'Edit' link at the end of the Selling List row

  2. Scroll to the Global Profile section, select the needed Global Profile, and save the Selling List

  3. Open this Selling List, select the needed Products, hit the 'More Actions' button, and select 'Update Q'. The action is called 'Revise QTY' for eBay and 'Update QTY' for Etsy.

    The status will change to 'Pending Qty Update'

  4. Give Salestio about 5 minutes to update the stock and the status will be changed back to 'Linked'

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