How to create new Amazon listings with variations
If you would like to list the products with variations, it is important to add the Variation Theme in the mapping. The possible options in the Variation Theme depend on the marketplace and the Amazon category.

In the next step, you should map the corresponding option from the Shopify product page to use for variations. In our example, we set the Size field to the values from the Shopify product page.

Depending on the selected Variation Theme and Amazon category, some fields might become required after you start adding the variations. Please check our articles about the required fields for the most common Amazon categories and Product types.

Enable variations in the Amazon profile
To create the products with variations, the corresponding option should also be turned on in the Amazon profile. To do so, go to Salestio > Profiles > Amazon profile. Open the existing profile or create a new one. Turn on Product creation and assign the Creation profile.
Put a checkmark on the "Allow variations" field and save the profile.