Add Etsy Account to Salestio

Etsy Integration allows you to use multiple Etsy accounts. To start sending items or downloading orders, it is important to add at least one Etsy account.

Please follow the next steps to add your Etsy account to Salestio:

  1. Navigate to the Accounts tab in Salestio.
  2. Click the 'Add Account' button.
  3. Enter your account name in the 'Name' field. This name will be used as an alias for the account in Salestio.

  4. Click the 'Add Account' button.
  5. You will be redirected to your Etsy account page where you need to grant access to Salestio. Make sure to read and confirm the agreement.

  6. Important! You will not be able to proceed with adding your Etsy account to Salestio before you agree to grant application access.

  7. The account will be successfully created and linked to Salestio. You will be redirected to the Add Account page.
  8. The newly added account will be displayed under the Accounts tab. To edit account details, click the account line in the list of added accounts.

When your accounts are added to Salestio, they all will be displayed on the Accounts page.

For every available account, you will see:

  • Name of the account in Salestio. It can be different from the Etsy account.
  • Account connection status. 

To view or edit account details, you should click on the account row. 

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