Send Product Condition to Amazon

Salestio can send the Item Condition to Amazon. By default, Salestio sends Shopify products to Amazon in the New condition unless anything else is set specifically in configurations. 

This functionality allows selling the products in various conditions, and your buyers will see them.

The item condition value can be set in the Amazon Profile in Salestio.

To set item conditions on Amazon, you should do the following:

  1. Create a separate product page in the Shopify store for each condition you want to sell your product. Amazon requires that products in different conditions have separate SKUs. Separate product pages in Shopify allow setting unique SKUs for products in different conditions.

    Note: The EANs for the products in various conditions should be the same but the SKUs are different.

  2. Go to the Amazon Profiles tab, and add a new Profile.
  3. Select the needed Item Condition. Important: Only one condition can be set in one Amazon Profile.

  4. Create a Selling List with the needed Amazon profile.

    Important: One Selling list can use only one Amazon Profile. So, if the items you want to sell are in various conditions, you would need to create a Selling List for each condition

  5. Add a needed Product and send it to Amazon.
  6. Go to the Seller Central account to make sure that the product is added in the needed condition.

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