Uninstall Salestio Shopify Integration

To uninstall Salestio - Shopify Amazon Integration, please do the following steps:

1. Uninstall the application from your Shopify store

After the application is uninstalled, your subscription will be canceled and you will not be charged after that. 

Please note that due to the Shopify billing lifecycle, you can still get billed for the previous month of using the application. It does not apply if you uninstall the application during the trial period.  

To get more information about the Shopify billing cycle, please check this article https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/your-account/manage-billing/your-invoice/apps#subscriptions

2. Revoke access to our application on your seller central dashboard

3. (Optional) Reach us via email at support@salest.io with a list of features you missed or difficulties you faced with. 

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