Automatic Sync of eBay stock level to Shopify

Salestio — eBay Product Import allows not only importing eBay listings to Shopify but also enables automatic quantity synchronization for the imported products. Automatic quantity synchronization is handy because it saves time from manually adjusting stock between Shopify and eBay and helps to avoid mistakes.

Automatic quantity synchronization is available for the paid Product Import subscriptions. For more details on the billing options, please check this article.

Enable Quantity Synchronization on the selected products

Quantity synchronization is available for the products that were imported to Shopify using our eBay Product Import app. In case you still need to import the products to Shopify, please check the following guide.

To configure automatic QTY synchronization, go to Product Import > eBay Inventory from the left side of the Shopify navigation.

The eBay Inventory page shows the list of eBay Inventories. So, you can use eBay titles or SKUs to find the needed listing.

Access eBay Inventory from Shopify Navigation

The current state of the Synchronization rules is shown in the last column of the Inventory list.

Enabling Synchronization is available only for the listings that show the rule "Sync none".

Select a product or multiple products and click the "Enable QTY Sync" button. The badge in the Synchronization rules column will change to "Sync QTY".

Enable QTY Sync on the selected listings

Note! If the QTY sync is enabled on the listing, all variations will have QTY synced if this is a multi-variation listing.

If you decide to disable QTY sync for some products at any point, you can do so from the same page, eBay Inventory. The Disable action is available for the listings that show the "Sync none" badge in the Synchronization rules column.

Possible errors

Stopped due to exceeded user limit

This error might appear when you click Enable QTY Sync but this functionality is beyond your current subscription plan. Check the Subscription status on the Dashboard to find the information about your current subscription and change the plan if needed.

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