Move ebay listings into PrestaBay

The first step, please import all listings into Catalog->ebay->Ebay Listings.

Some of the imported listings will automatically connect to PrestaShop products, some of them not. Listings that don't have PrestaShop product connection you can manually set product id.

Please make sure that you already created all required Selling List with “Category Mode”.

Categories for Sellings List should contain categories for your PrestaShop products that you want to connect to existing ebay listings.

Please don’t list any of products from this Selling List. The module can do automatic migration only for items that currently have status “Not Listed”.

Inside Ebay Listings page please use “Move to PrestaBay” action. This action will check your ebay listings and will try to move it into PrestaBay Selling Lists.

Additionally, you can manually move ebay listing.

  • Please mark all listings that you want to move
  • Then please select option from bottom menu
  • Finally please select Selling List where you want to move items

PrestaShop ebay module — Move ebay listings into PrestaBay

After moving listings, all your products will be synchronized to ebay. The order will be imported and the Stock level is synchronized.

Please notice PrestaBay use PrestaShop as a primary source for your products. On revise,/relist PrestaShop product data will replace all information.

Please also notice that ebay does not allow change values for all listings data. So some listings still will need to do stop & list to handle it correctly by PrestaBay.

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