Upgrade PrestaBay module
Update module source file
- Get the Latest Module Version. Inside your account on addons.prestashop.com please navigate to downloads and click on the button "Download PrestaBay".
- If you purchase a module from our website. Please open the page https://involic.com/downloads.html, then please enter email and store url.
- Please make a backup of your PrestaBay/PrestaShop DB. All tables for PrestaBay module is started from "ps_prestabay"
- Please make a backup of module source files (folder /modules/prestabay)
- Open your PrestaShop admin. Using main menu select “Modules”
- Click on the button “Add a module from my computer”
- Select PrestaBay module zip file and then click on button “Upload module”
NB! Some hosting doesn’t allow extract zip file. If so you will receive an error “Invalid zip file” or similar. For such a situation, you need to uploaded extracted archive content throw FTP to your PrestaShop installation folder “modules”.
NB! You don’t need to uninstall the old module version. Our installer will update all information related to your current module version
Don’t click install/uninstall or other buttons on the Modules page related to the PrestaBay module. This can prevent loss of your PrestaBay information.
Update module DB
From PrestaShop admin select the PrestaBay eBay integration module. Menu navigation item “Catalog—>eBay—>Configuration”
Click on button “Upgrade” to run DB update